What is Gallant+?
At the simplest level, a Gallant+ Membership is a subscription service that provides ongoing support direct from the people who play, enjoy, and engage with Gallant Knight Games' tabletop games to Gallant Knight Games.
Being a Gallant+ member replaces our long-running Patreon, where monthly support helps Gallant Knight Games create our games! Gallant+ subscribers are entitled to quite a few rewards, including (but not limited to):
Every quarter, Gallant+ subscribers get our Quarterly TinyZine as a PDF. They also get an discount code for an at-cost code for Quarterly TinyZine redemption (softcover).
Basically, they only pay shipping and print cost! A savings of (usually) 75%+ for physical copies.
tinyd6.games access!
Every month the Gallant+ subscription is active, you'll receive complimentary access to tinyd6.games at the GM+ and Player+ level. tinyd6.games is our suite of webtools to enable online, in-person, and convention play of our TinyD6 games!
Gallant+ subscribers also get 50% discount on ruleset purchases through tinyd6.games.
Access to the GKG Monthly Deal!
Every month, we send Gallant+ members a product we're discounting for them and only them. These might be from the archives, accessories, cool, unique items, or more!
Previews, promos, flash sales and other discounts.
This might include discounts on upcoming GallantFundings, preorder windows that go live to Gallant+ members first, or any other benefits we can think of.
Ongoing newsletters that go to Gallant+ members first, and then released to everyone later.
Managing Your Subscription
You can cancel your monthly subscription at any time and it will stop renewing the following month. Your benefits will end when the subscription stops renewing.
You can also pause or hold a subscription if you need, and resume at any time (the tools we use provide you a six-month window).
A Note from Alan
When I started GKG in 2015, one of my key goals was ethical pay for the creatives involved. At a time when the industry average pay was about $0.06 per word (give or take - based on limited data), GKG paid a minimum of $0.10 per word. The only time it was ever less was when royalties were included (even then, we maintained a goal of $0.06-$0.08 + royalties on those projects). I take a lot of pride in that.
In 2021ish, we upped our average rate to $0.12 per word for work for higher, and on some projects/particular freelancers, the rates go higher ($0.14 per word or more).
We also pay bonuses/extras based on things like Bundles of Holdings, good sales months, and absorb cost increases out of our royalty shares so the creatives don't have to bear the burden.
To me, all these things (and more) are important in conducting myself, GKG, and our relationship with folks in an ethical manner.
In short: GKG pays well, we're consistent at it (if not perfect), and we do our best to add back to the TTRPG space in a manner I consider holistic (towards keeping GKG safe and functional) as well as ethical and moral in how we interact.
But, the TTRPG industry is small and money often is tight. We have to find lots of ways to make money, between Kickstarters, Patreon, other crowdfundings, ongoing sales, bundles and more.
The Gallant+ Membership is designed to help us transparently communicate and reward with those who are invested in our mission of putting creatives, communities, and the people who play GKG games first.
- There are no guaranteed rewards except what's listed above (primarily the Quarterly TinyZine and the tinyd6.games rewards). We're trying to keep it simple.
- We still make make regular posts about what's in development, sneak peeks, previews, and give other GKG products as they are made to subscribers, but instead of adding stress by "committing", it'll be treated as a "thanks for your consistent support here's a bonus thing/gift." That perception shift will make a lot of difference in how I approach and run our Gallant+ program.
- If you are become a Gallant+ subscriber, you are telling that you are committed/supporting this idea of GKG being creative/creator-focused and enabling that. It's not about the rewards, but it's about you being able to help us put our money where our mouth is (and your money too I suppose), and put the funds directly to work paying top industry rates, paying on time, and paying in a healthy manner. That's what we'll take your support as, and that's how you should expect us to take it.
I've made GKG work for nearly a decade off buckling down, putting my ideas into practice, and finding a community that lets GKG turn what I believe is important into action. I really hope you'll come along and help us make this a reality.
I believe we can make it happen for the next ten years, as well.
I hope you'll stay part of the GKG community and participate. I value each and every one of you and I care deeply that you understand why I and GKG make our decisions as we do.
- Alan

Join the community
You can join the Gallant+ subscription program and be part of our community as we chart the next ten years of Gallant Knight Games!